The Anti New Year Resolution

A season of arbitrary personal quests.

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It's 2023.

As some recover from hangovers and others polar plunge, today marks the first day where people can give up on their new year's resolutions.

By the end of January, 99% of new year's resolutions will have failed.

This year, I'm suggesting that people not make new year's resolutions. Instead, people should make anti new year's resolutions.

An anti-new year resolution is the opposite of a new years resolution.

Rather than picturing a desired outcome like losing 20 lbs and making it a goal to exercise every day, an anti-new year resolution helps you avoid what minimizes your life.

The first step is to picture what a horrible day would look like. For me, a horrible day would be staying inside all day, sitting on my ass watching Netflix, eating only junk food, and talking to nobody.

Then, you work backward. My anti new year resolution is to spend 99.9% of the new year not doing those things.

As a result, more room is available for doing things that add value to your life.

Because I'm not staying inside all day, I may go for a walk. Because I'm not eating junk food, I may cook a healthy meal. Because I'm not not speaking to people, I may call up some friends and meet for a drink.

Anti new year's resolutions are valuable because they help eliminate what subtracts meaning from your life and don't require you to make drastic arbitrary promises to yourself.

You can improve by subtraction, which is an important note this time of year. Most everyone forgets that their newfound motivation to change their lives will quickly fade. And with it, their new year's resolutions.

Instead of making new year's resolutions, consider making a few anti new year's resolutions.

Let's get after it this year 😈


Noah Cracknell

    P.S. if you're a habit-forming machine and kick ass every new year, I applaud you.


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