Sleep Sensitivity

Your GTB checklist

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Hustlers and go-getters (guilty as charged) relish in their ability to do more on less sleep, thinking that it will make them more productive.

When in reality, it doesn't. Less sleep leads to burnout, anxiety, and early death. Sorry to burst your bubble.

The TLDR 💤

We're SUPER sensitive to sleep 🤕

You can go years eating a lousy diet before it catches up to you. But you can't go more than two days without sleep before you start going crazy. But maybe there's a reason for that.

Perhaps, we are sensitive to sleep because it matters a GREAT DEAL to how well we function, reproduce, and evolve. As it turns out, that's precisely the case.

GTB checklist 📝

Have you ever read the Checklist Manifesto?

If so, great. If not, don't worry; you don't need to.

The book explains the power of checklists and shares how airline pilots and surgeons use them to avoid disaster and stick to protocol. That's pretty much the extent of the book – you're welcome 😁

Jokes aside, checklists are powerful for a reason – they work.

Below, you’ll find your "Go-to-bed" checklist. If you follow it daily, I promise you, your sleep will improve.

The GTB checklist:

  • View AM sunlight

  • Move for >= 20 minutes

  • Shift carb intake to later in the day

  • View PM sunlight

  • Cut caffeine intake after 2 pm

  • Space out alc consumption

Weird. There’s nothing about taking melatonin 🤔 

Cherish your sleep 🥰

Lastly, this is a note to self and PSA to the hustlers out there, let's stop valuing aimless 'productivity' over cozy Z's. Sleep is something to be cherished; there's a reason we've evolved to sleep a third of our lives; it freaking matters!

If you are struggling with sleep, try the GTB checklist. And if you know someone who isn't sleeping well, consider sharing this piece with them.

Keep crushing.


Noah Cracknell

Crush your aesthetic, performance, and longevity goals 🦾

Shoutout to the lighting on this photo

In 2019, I started coaching.

Since then, I’ve coached hundreds of athletes and have worked with top performers across many disciplines. I’ve learned how to help my clients achieve their wildest aesthetic, performance, and longevity goals.

If you, or someone you know, is looking to build better health and wellness habits, achieve the physique of their dreams, crush their performance goals, or live to 100, consider filling out my 1:1 coach application form or sharing it with them ⬇️ 

Not interested? No sweat.

I’m posting FREE Bootcamp-style workouts every week here.

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